Liviu Olariu – Neolexic.
Cea mai mare teama pe care am avut-o la inceputul activitatii de traducator in regim free-lancer a fost legata de volumul fluctuant al comenzilor. Mi-era teama ca o zi voi lucra, iar alta voi astepta comenzi (ceea ce se si intampla adesea). Pana cand am descoperit reclamele adwords. De fapt, nu am dat peste ele pur si simplu, ci Sorin mi-a vorbit de ele si mi-a aratat ca sunt exact ceea ce am nevoie. Nu ma pricep la cuvinte-cheie, algoritmi sau rapoarte statistice. Cu asta se ocupa Sorin si o face excelent! Eu stiu doar ca atunci cand nu mai fac fata comenzilor (da, am si astfel de situatii! – Google Adwords functioneaza de minune ) il rog sa puna pauza reclamelor pentru cateva zile; nici nu trebuie sa-mi spuna cand le reporneste: o aflu singur de la primele telefoane ale clientilor care incep sa sune de la prima ora a diminetii!
Kevin M. Baird, The Joseph Gomoll Foundation.
Executive Director
Sorin came to Joey’s Song through MediaCause and was hired to help us implement our AdWords strategy. Our goal at the time was twofold: One to drive as much traffic to our site as possible and two to optimize our spend. Over a period ofseveral weeks, Sorrin had our campaigns optimized. Sorin communicated clearly at all steps along the way. He was clear up front that to achieve our goals he would need to make incremental changes over several weeks. As he made changes, he explained how and why he was making changes.
I would strongly recommend Sorin.
Kimberley de Haseth
Founder Milagros Foundation
“Sorin volunteered (via MediaCause) to help the Milagros Foundation in the Netherlands with their GoogleAdwords. To me, the Google Adwords Program is very complex, it takes an expert to manage it. Sorin is this expert! The changes he made in our Adwords directly resulted in a spectaculair and lasting increase in hits. Sorin sets goals and explains -why and how- to achieve them in a clear and simple manner. He gives his time, expertise and energy to help others, and that to me, is very special!”